Period: First (1°)
Grade: 4°
• Diagnostic activities
• Vocabulary: school subjects and classroom objects, nationalities, sports, countries and capital cities, personal things, appearance, parts of the body and abilities.
• Grammar: verb to be, question word, have got, possessives adjectives and verb can.
• Utiliza el vocabulario visto de
objetos del salón de clases, nacionalidades, deportes, ciudades y países, objetos personales, partes del cuerpo.
• Comprende el uso de los verbos to be, have got, can, los adjetivos posesivos, las question words para realizar oraciones y preguntas sencillas.
Grade: 4°
• Diagnostic activities
• Vocabulary: school subjects and classroom objects, nationalities, sports, countries and capital cities, personal things, appearance, parts of the body and abilities.
• Grammar: verb to be, question word, have got, possessives adjectives and verb can.
• Utiliza el vocabulario visto de
objetos del salón de clases, nacionalidades, deportes, ciudades y países, objetos personales, partes del cuerpo.
• Comprende el uso de los verbos to be, have got, can, los adjetivos posesivos, las question words para realizar oraciones y preguntas sencillas.